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The lyrics of all songs sung by the Choir in the Temple are verbatim extracts from the Holy Writings of the world's religions, representing the unfolding creation of the same one and only God.

The repertoire is only accessible to members but here is a sample of the songs we sing.

Bahá'í Temple Choir

Bahá'í Temple Choir

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A significant portion of our repertoire is garnered from past Australian Bahá'í Choral Festivals with the kind and gracious permission of Lorraine and Alan Manifold who are the Festival Directors and owners. We owe a great depth of gratitude to the Manifolds.

Some of the songs we sing are in the public domain and you are invited to visit this site run by the Manifolds to sample these.

You can also find out more information on the Australian Bahá'í Choral Festivals here.

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